To withdraw from EGTI, the student or guardian(s) must fill out and turn in a Withdrawal Request Form to the director. Should a student be terminated or withdraw for any reason, all refunds will be made according to EGTI’s refund policy.
- All monies, except the $50 application fee, will be refunded if the student submits a Withdrawal Request Form to the director one month prior to the program start date.
- If a student withdraws or is terminated during the first two weeks of the program, the student is responsible for paying
- 100% of program costs for weeks one and two depending on when termination occurs or a Withdrawal Request Form is received.
- 100% of Internship Uniform and Materials Fee.
- 50% of Tuition, Community and Living Support and Wellness for the remaining program weeks.
- If a student withdraws or is terminated after the first two weeks of the program, the student is responsible for paying 100% of all program costs except for Room and Board.